Original Item: Only One Available. Der Deutsche Automobil Club (DDAC - The German Automobil Club) was the only authorized automobile club in Germany during the Third Reich. The club absorbed the ADAC and other automobile clubs in 1934, shortly following the rise of AH to the position of Führer und Reichskanzler (leader and chancellor of the Reich). The DDAC provided roadside assistance to members and was closely affiliated with the NSKK. These "Clubs" were used by the NSDAPs to encourage Automobile skills as they did for Flying skills during the time when Germany was still not allowed and Military organizations.
This is a very nice example of a D.D.A.C. Vehicle Pennant, which would be flown on a small staff attached to the fender of the automobile or other vehicle it was attached to. The pennant measures 14 inches by 8 inches and is double sided. It displays the D.D.A.C. emblem in a central oval, at the intersection of a white and red 'Balkan Cross'. The field of the pennant is white, though age and staining have turned it more of a beige color.
The pennant still has the top clip and bottom ring, and is in very good condition over all. there are some small tears and stains, but nothing major. A great addition to any German collection!