Husqvarna PG 680 Accessories
- Redi Lock diamond holder disc, 502545801
- Three Redi Lock holder are included with grinder, get additional holders to switch entire set of diamonds instantly
- Resin disc holder, 502545101
- Resin holder disc replacement. rubber pad, 502545501
- Resin holder disc replacement Velcro pad, 502545601
- Rubber skirt, non marking, 590499202
- Head lock, 502534401
- Head lock screw, M6 X 1.0 X 20mm 12.9 ZP, 725537051
- The Head Locks and Head Lock Screws are wear items, designed to shear if the contractor hit some rebar so it doesn't hurt anything internal inside the grinder
- Water Kit, 505453201
- Grinding head steel spring, 502534201
- Silicone ring head spring, 502534301